Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

Blends and Code Mixing (Softskill)

Blends and Code Mixing
1.      Blends
The formation of new words by combining parts of two or more words.
Example :
a.       Advertisement + Editorial = Advertorial
b.      Information + Entertainment = Infotainment
c.       Internet + Citizen = Netizen
d.      Pulse + Quasar = Pulsar
e.       Transfer + Resistor = Transistor
f.       Work + Alcoholic + Workholic
g.      Jazz + Exercise = Jazzercize
h.      Gleam + Shimmer = Glimmer

2.      Code Mixing
Two or more codes are used with no reason and usually occurs in a relexed situation.
Example :
a.       Coba tolong cek schedule saya minggu ini
b.      Saya sedang On the way ke kantor pagi ini
c.       That’s right itu jawaban yang saya inginkan
d.      So, akan kemana lagi kita malam ini
e.       Bisa kah kita jalan sore ini, please !
f.       Saya akan memberikan surprise, ketika dia datang kerumah
g.      Kita akan berkumpul di restoran itu, dan jam 3 kita harus sudah stand bye disana
h.      Tim dance itu memenangkan perlombaan

Sumber :

Jumat, 25 April 2014

tugas softskill 1

The First Assigment

Make your own ideas on how to develop your company profile by using the following.
Describe your possion on promoting your skill in your company
I will give high dedication to the company by promoting and introducing my company to the world.
Added your reason on why you could join that company
Because I feel like and are interesting in exciting jobs in the company, so i would like a career with the work.
Describe your goals to be a good a resposible employee
I will work activityfor the sake of achieving Career my goals and relate well with other employees in advancing companies.